New to SCRLC?

 Resource Sharing & CCDA

SCRLC facilitates lending and borrowing of materials among members by providing access to the following services and helping to defray the cost of the delivery of ILL materials when funds are available.

BARC | MISP | CCDA | Delivery | Interlibrary Loan Statistics | RS Delivery Subsidy Grant | RS Advisory Committee | Reports | SCORA

South Central Onsite Reciprocal Access (SCORA) Program

SCORA--the South Central Onsite Reciprocal Access program began on January 1, 2020. Developed in conjunction with the Resource Sharing Advisory Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees, SCORA is a program designed to help serious library users obtain information at their point of need. It enables them to create a library account and check out circulating materials from participating libraries, in person. It does not replace existing reciprocal onsite agreements-it increases the opportunities for users to borrow onsite from a larger number of libraries. Relationships are between individual libraries.


For complete documentation of the program, please click here.


For an informational webinar on SCORA, please click here.


For the link to the Participation Form, please click here.


For the link to the Borrower Application form (.doc | .pdf).


Participating Libraries


Questions? Contact Christine Brown at


Bibliographic and Referral Center (BARC)

BARC is a service for last-resort interlibrary loan and regional Union List of Serials maintenance, available to all members without full OCLC access. Click here for detailed information.


Medical Library Services Program (MISP)

Do you have interlibrary loan requests that are filled by Upstate Medical Center and other National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) resource libraries? If yes, the Medical Information System Program (MISP) funds can help pay for such requests! MISP provides a pool of funds made available by the NYS Library and administered through SCRLC and the other Empire State Library Network Councils. Click here for detailed information.


Coordinated Collection Development Aid (CCDA)

Through its CCDA program, New York State financially recognizes the contributions academic libraries make to state and regional resource sharing. Materials purchased in specific subject areas and in multiple formats using CCDA monies are shared with libraries of all types throughout the State, increasing the variety and number of resources available to New York State residents. The CCDA program is administered by the ESLN Councils on behalf of the New York State Library. Twenty-five SCRLC academic institutions receive CCDA funding annually.


CCDA Plan updated 3/26/2021

CCDA Guidelines

Regulations (for CCDA) of the Comissioner of Education 

CCDA Subject Areas  updated 3/10/2025

CCDA Awards 1988-2025 updated 6/10/2024

To receive communications and announcements for CCDA participants, contact Danna Harris.


SCRLC supports the efficient delivery of interlibrary loan material among its members by offering the following services:


Empire Library Delivery (ELD)

A service of the Empire State Library Network, ELD provides delivery service to all libraries that were formerly part of the LAND system.



SCRLC offers the UPS delivery service, CampusShip, for regional shipping of your returnable interlibrary loan materials. CampusShip provides an easy, web-based shipping system, with pickup and next day delivery in most of NYS, and NYS contract pricing for reduced costs to all members. SCRLC administers the account and will invoice you at predetermined periods depending on your volume, with no administrative fee.


SCRLC Resource Sharing Delivery Subsidy Grant

SCRLC has funding available to reimburse individual libraries and library systems for interlibrary loan items lent to other SCRLC member organizations. Funding is based on a formula that takes into account the total funds available, how much the library/library system lends to other members, and the number of applications received. All member libraries and library systems are eligible to apply for this grant, which is awarded based on 1) the application and 2) a review of the member's ILL statistical report.


Resource Sharing Subsidy Policy

Interlibrary Loan Statistics

SCRLC no longer reports members' interlibrary loan statistics to the New York State Library via our annual report; therefore, we require them only on an "as needed" basis; e.g. if it is a year that resource sharing subsidies can be awarded; or for a member receiving Medical Information Services Program monies for their Electronic Fund Transfer Services (EFTS) account. Questions? Contact Christine Brown.


Resource Sharing Advisory Committee


Resource Sharing Survey 2021 Analysis

Contact Us

 Email  1300 Dryden Road, Ithaca, NY 14850

 (607) 273-9106

 Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00pm

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