The role of the advisory Committee is to identify and address concerns of hospital libraries in the South Central Research Library Region, provide advice and insight regarding the New York State Hospital Library Program, promote library and information service in member health care institutions, provide continuing education opportunities, and facilitate access to medical and health care information.
The committee will consist of standing members from participating hospital libraries with full or part-time MLS librarians, and a representative from the circuit hospital libraries who will serve a three-year term.
- Recommend policies to the Board of Trustees for the Hospital Library Services program of SCRLC.
- Evaluate needs for medical and healthcare education and training programs.
- Enhance communication between regional hospital, nursing, and healthcare libraries.
- Support and promote information literacy and resources in regional hospitals.
2024-2025 Activities
Review and recommend medical/health-related electronic resources for group purchases.
Market HLSP services and resources to member hospitals in order to serve the information needs of regional health care professionals through the provision of health and medical information, resources, expertise, and circuit librarian services to their hospitals.
Distribute a health-related newsletter at least quarterly for HLSP member institutions to share with their providers, practitioners, nurses, and residents.
With the Outreach Services Librarian identify new areas of opportunity for SCRLC involvement and service offerings.
Update the HLSP LibGuide, as well as the HLSP page of SCRLC's website.
Offer one Continuing Education class for HLSP librarians and liaisons once per year, from either the MLA or the NNLM.
Provide access to information and webinars for member librarians and liaisons to understand the role diversity plays in access to health care and health information.
o Review MLA webinars - upcoming and recorded.
o Review NNLM CE classes and webinar recordings.
Participate in relevant digital equity projects, if available and as they relate to telehealth and other aspects of health and medicine.
Laura Liepke, Binghamton University, joined 2023, liepke@binghamton.edu
Matt Roslund, Bassett Healthcare, joined 2020, matthew.roslund@bassett.org
Mikki Smith, Guthrie/Lourdes Hospital, joined 2024, Mikki.Smith@guthrie.org
Dr. Fantasia Thorne-Ortiz, Northeast College of Health Sciences, joined 2023, fthorneortiz@northeastcollege.ed
Hilary Westgate,Cayuga Medical Center, joined 2023, hwestgate@cayugamed.org
Danielle Zavada, USH Wilson Medical Center, joined 2020, danielle.zavada@nyuhs.org
Christine Brown, ex officio, SCRLC, cbrown@scrlc.org
Mary-Carol Lindbloom, ex officio, SCRLC, mclindbloom@scrlc.org
Meetings Minutes
December 3
October 1
August 8
June 4
April 2
December 15
June 8
March 21
January 20
November 9
June 22
March 15