To develop and promote a diverse workforce within libraries, foster Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, & Accessibilty in library policies, practices, programming, and services, and promote, support, sponsor and celebrate DEIJA within and between libraries and their communities. A central mission of the advisory committee is to educate and support library staff and community partners in understanding that DEIJA work is everyone's responsibility in creating a welcoming and supportive environment. The advisory committee acknowledges that DEIJA work can at times be uncomfortable, and trusts that all SCRLC members are here to learn, and commit to help one another and our colleagues in that learning process. The creation and maintenance of a safe space for a diverse and multicultural community of respectful persons is essential to the educational mission of libraries.
- Assist with assessing Library policies and practices through a DEIJA lens to identify systems and structures that may impede DEIJA efforts, and to identify potential DEIJA needs and projects.
- Provide leadership through sharing information on DEIJA Advisory Committee initiatives and programs with SCRLC members.
- Help create an inclusive and equitable work environment in which all personnel are able to develop to their full potential.
- Address proactively the fair and equal treatment of Library personnel.
2024-2025 Activities
- Recommend topics and speakers for programs; include speakers from BIPOC/neuro- diverse/persons with disabilities/LGBTQIA+ communities.
- Review the DEIJA Plan and ensure that it is incorporated into the new Plan of Service.
- Contribute DEIJA topics for the DEIJA member spotlight in the SCRLC news.
- Participate when able with the DEIJA Learning Circle; contribute topic ideas.
- Update the DEIJA LibGuide to be current and specific to libraries and historical organizations.
Rachel Dworkin, Chemung County Historical Society, joined 2023, archivist@chemungvalleymuseum.org
Beth Hylen, Corning Museum of Glass, joined 2019, hylenlist@yahoo.com
Virgilio Pinto, Ithaca College, joined 2020, vpinto@ithaca.edu
Allie Shanafelter, Corning Museum of Glass, joined 2023, shanafelac@cmog.org
Jenny Shonk, Finger Lakes Library System, joined 2021, jshonk@flls.org
Karin Wikoff, Ithaca College, joined 2023, kwikoff@ithaca.edu
Christine Brown, ex officio, SCRLC, cbrown@scrlc.org
Mary-Carol Lindbloom, ex officio, SCRLC, mclindbloom@scrlc.org
Jessica Philippe, ex officio, SCRLC, jphilippe@scrlc.org
Meeting Minutes
February 18
October 15
August 20
June 18
April 16
February 20
December 19
October 17
August 15
June 27
May 9
April 4
February 17
January 12