New to SCRLC?

 Historical Organizations

Historical Organizations


Joint efforts between SCRLC and New York library organizations resulted in increased state library aid. We advocates for all libraries.


Deposit accounts. May be set up for your convenience. Contact Danna Harris.


Digitization Services. 

Join New York Heritage (NYH), a research portal for students, educators, historians,
genealogists, and lifelong learners comprised of digitized historical materials about the people, places and institutions of New York State. NYH materials are also contributed to the Digital Public Library of America. Contribute newspapers to New York State Historic Newspapers and finding aids to the Empire Archival Discovery Cooperative for online accessibility.


Educational Services. SCRLC offers low-cost, relevant, learning opportunities, often with nationally recognized experts, special interest groups, and networking events.


Electronic Resources.

  • AskUs 24/7 Virtual Reference.
  • FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery, Art Museum Image Gallery, Consumer Health Complete, Literary Reference Center, Teacher Reference Center.

Field Visits & Consultations. Annual visits can be customized for your needs. Request a visit.


Focus Groups. We can conduct low or no-cost focus groups for your organization. Contact Mary-Carol Lindbloom.


Grants. SCRLC offers grant opportunities for information technology projects, digitization, and resource sharing.


Leadership Opportunities. Join the Board of Trustees, serve on one of our advisory committees or organize a special interest group.


Resource Sharing.

  • Participate in general resource sharing meetings that explore and provide training for topics such as new technology, services and products, best practices, and policies.
  • The Bibliographic and Referral Service (BARC) is a free or low-cost last-resort interlibrary loan service. BARC also offers free Union List of Serials maintenance.
  • Resource sharing subsidies or grants, as funds permit.
  • Medical Information Services Program (MISP) subsidizes the cost of health-related ILL.

Stay up-to-date. We inform you of upcoming events, advocacy efforts, and additional news of professional interest through our weekly newsletter, our LibGuides, and via social media.


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Contact Us

 Email  1300 Dryden Road, Ithaca, NY 14850

 (607) 273-9106

 Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00pm

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