The Awareness & Advocacy Advisory Committee provides a forum for the discussion of advocacy, exchange of information, and advancement of advocacy efforts relevant to all types of libraries in the South Central Regional Library Council region.
- Monitor regional, statewide, and national legislation and advocacy issues affecting or potentially affecting the SCRLC membership.
- Examine social justice issues as relating to libraries.
- Educate and inform the SCRLC membership on issues of importance to regional libraries and their stakeholders.
- Develop and recommend annual advocacy activities.
- Measure the effectiveness of advocacy efforts and campaigns.
- Serve as advisors to the Board of Trustees and staff on matters of awareness, advocacy, and social justice in the South Central Regional Library Council region.
2023-2024 Activities
- Update the awareness & advocacy plan.
- Collaborate with regional library systems on legislative meetings and events.
- Participate in and share information on NYLA's Advocacy Day.
- Review the Advocacy webpage; suggest updates.
- Offer additional advocacy training as needed.
- Design an information campaign to bring people into libraries, including programming on misinformation/disinformation.
Steve Bachman, Four County Library System, joined 2016, sbachman@4cls.org
Sarah Glogowski, Chair, Finger Lakes Library System, joined 2016, sglogowski@flls.org
Brian Hildreth, Southern Tier Library System, joined 2014, communitylibrarypartnership@stls.org
Penny Sweeney, Cayuga Onondaga BOCES, joined 2023, psweeney@cayboces.org
Diane Capalongo, ex officio, SCRLC, dcapalongo@scrlc.org
Mary-Carol Lindbloom, ex officio, SCRLC, mclindbloom@scrlc.org
Jessica Philippe, ex officio, SCRLC, jphilippe@scrlc.org
Meeting Minutes
April 12
January 12
May 23
February 6
December 15
October 14
September 28