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 Awareness & Advocacy Advisory Committee


The Awareness & Advocacy Advisory Committee provides a forum for the discussion of advocacy, exchange of information, and advancement of advocacy efforts relevant to all types of libraries in the South Central Regional Library Council region.

  1. Monitor regional, statewide, and national legislation and advocacy issues affecting or potentially affecting the SCRLC membership.
  2. Examine social justice issues as relating to libraries.
  3. Educate and inform the SCRLC membership on issues of importance to regional libraries and their stakeholders.
  4. Develop and recommend annual advocacy activities.
  5. Measure the effectiveness of advocacy efforts and campaigns.
  6. Serve as advisors to the Board of Trustees and staff on matters of awareness, advocacy, and social justice in the South Central Regional Library Council region.
2024-2025 Activities
  • Update the awareness & advocacy plan.
  • Collaborate with regional library systems on legislative meetings and events.
  • Participate in and share information on NYLA's Advocacy Day.
  • Review the Awareness & Advocacy LibGuide; suggest updates.
  • Offer additional advocacy training as needed.
  • Design an information campaign to bring people into libraries, including programming on misinformation/disinformation.
  • Investigate the feasibility of a paid advocacy campaign such as the one that had been run in Corning.

Steve Bachman, Four County Library System, joined 2016,

Sarah Glogowski, Chair, Finger Lakes Library System, joined 2016,

Brian Hildreth, Southern Tier Library System, joined 2014,

Diane Capalongo, ex officio, SCRLC,

Mary-Carol Lindbloom, ex officio, SCRLC,

Jessica Philippe, ex officio, SCRLC,


Meeting Minutes


December 11

January 12


May 23

February 6


December 15

Contact Us

 Email  1300 Dryden Road, Ithaca, NY 14850

 (607) 273-9106

 Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00pm

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