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 Libraries in the Teeth of Change Webinar

Libraries in the Teeth of Change Webinar December 17th, 2015



Thursday, December 17th, 2:00-3:30pm ET

This webinar is relevant for staff in all library types. However, there will be an emphasis on trends in higher education.

You will need an internet-connected computer & computer speakers / headset / phone for audio.

As a follow-up to his excellent presentation at NYLA, Dr. Alexander will explore the future of libraries by mapping out present trendlines around education, cultural heritage institutions, and technology. We will examine change drivers from multiple domains, including economics, policy, demographics, new and old technologies, and new developments in how technology transforms education. Next, we will work through four scenarios of possible futures for libraries, education, and technology, including: Peak Higher Education; Health Care Nation; Tutor Me, Siri; Renaissance. This is an interactive session, relying on participants' comments and reactions.

Bryan Alexander is a futurist, researcher, writer, speaker, consultant, and teacher, working in the field of how technology transforms education. He completed his English language and literature PhD at the University of Michigan in 1997, with a dissertation on doppelgangers in Romantic-era fiction and poetry.

Then Bryan taught literature, writing, multimedia, and information technology studies at Centenary College of Louisiana. There he also pioneered multi-campus interdisciplinary classes, while organizing an information literacy initiative.

From 2002 to 2014 Bryan worked with the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE), a non-profit working to help small colleges and universities best integrate digital technologies. With NITLE he held several roles, including co-director of a regional education and technology center, director of emerging technologies, and senior fellow. Over those years Bryan helped develop and support the nonprofit, grew peer networks, consulted, and conducted a sustained research agenda.

In 2013 Bryan launched a business, Bryan Alexander Consulting, LLC. Through BAC he consults throughout higher education in the United States and abroad. Bryan also speaks widely and publishes frequently.

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