Universal Design for Libraries1:00PM-2:15PM May 23rd, 2022
The presentation provides basic level introduction to the concept of universal design for those with little or no prior knowledge of the concept. The presentation includes:
Overview of the IDEA Center (the premier Research & Development center on accessibility and
universal design in the United States.)
Differences between Universal Design and Accessibility
The 8 Goals of Universal Design
Beneficiaries of Universal Design
The business case for Universal Design
Examples of Universal Design in Libraries
ADA Issues in Libraries
Library Design Case Studies
Resources to implement Universal Design
Presenter (Updated): Krista Macy, Assoc. AIA is an Architectural Design Research Associate at the Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access with experience in design for accessibility, sustainable and universal design. She is engaged in diverse research projects intended to meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population. Her recent activities include designing home modifications and conducting accessibility and universal design assessments for industry partners.
This webinar is supported with federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds allocated to the New York State Library by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).