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 SCRLC Academic & Special Library Directors' Meeting

SCRLC Academic & Special Library Directors' Meeting November 5th, 2015


Cornell University, Mann Library
November 5, 2015


10:30-11:00Registration/Welcome w. refreshments
11:00-12:00 From Defining 21st Century Research Libraries to Implementing 21st Century Research Universities -- Anne R. Kenney, Carl A. Kroch University Librarian, Cornell University
12:00-1:00Lunch (Contributed by Cornell University Library)
1:00-2:30Round-Table Discussions
2:30-3:00Tour of Mann's newly renovated learning spaces

Anne R. Kenney became the Carl A. Kroch University Librarian at Cornell University in 2008. Active in the archival and preservation communities, Kenney is known internationally for her pioneering work in developing standards for digitizing library materials and research into digital preservation issues. She serves on the boards of the Council on Library and Information Resources and HathiTrust, and the visiting committees for MIT libraries and the Center for Jewish History. She is a fellow and past president of the Society of American Archivists and former board member for the Association of Research Libraries. She served as a commissioner of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (National Archives), the National Science Foundation/European Union Working Group on a Digital Preservation Research Agenda, as a member of the Clinton/Gore Transition Team, and has testified before a Senate subcommittee on government affairs. She is the co-author of 3 award-winning books and over 50 scholarly articles and reports. Last year she won the prestigious Hugh Atkinson Award from the American Library Association for her leadership in research and library management.


The best option is going to park in the Hoy Parking Garage (167 Hoy Rd). There is an information booth located right outside of it (marked with the "i" in the screenshot below) where they can purchase a day pass ($10) before they park.

The phone number for Commuter and Parking Services: 607-255-4600.

Here is a link to the interactive campus map: It is about a 10 min walk from the garage to Mann Library where we will have the day's events.


Info booth: Hoy Parking Garage:


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 (607) 273-9106

 Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00pm

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