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 Ubiquity's Institutional Repository Platform Demo

Ubiquity's Institutional Repository Platform Demo4:00PM-5:00PM November 2nd, 2020

Join us for a demo from Ubiquity Press, which offers cloud-hosted institutional repositories. We were impressed and arranged a demo for interested SCRLC members on Monday, November 2nd at 4 p.m. Please register here.

Ubiquity is based on the Hyku platform from Samvera. Multiple institutions can have their own individually-branded repository, but with shared search, administration and lower infrastructure costs. They provided as an example of a multi-institution system, their collaboration with the British Library

Ubiquity also provides hosting for open access library journals with a full range of professional publishing services available, as well as book and OER publishing. The publishing platform is fully integrated with their repositories as well.

They state, "We are strongly mission-driven and community-oriented, with a Customer Charter that guarantees that we will remain open access and open source, even in the case of a change of control of the company, and this is governed by a board made up of our customers."

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 Email  1300 Dryden Road, Ithaca, NY 14850

 (607) 273-9106

 Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00pm

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