Communications: Stemming the Tide10:00AM-11:30AM November 12th, 2020
This online workshop is part 1 of a 2-part series. Feel free to attend either workshop or both. Register below to receive a link that will work for both workshops.
Part 1: Communications: Stemming the Tide
This year, the methods we use for communication have increased, as well as the frequency of communication. Information is arriving in your inbox, through social media tools, on your phone, and other methods. How do you tame these streams and stay on top of the messages you are receiving? This webinar will help you think through the ways you are receiving information and how to ensure that you see important communications. We will also think through what your communication preferences are, and how to communicate your communication preferences to others. At the end of this workshop, you will have a set of action items to help you tame those overflowing streams of information heading your way.
Speaker: Jill Hurst-Wahl is a consultant, speaker, writer, and educator, who understands the power of good communications. She is the president of Hurst Associates, Ltd. and professor emerita in Syracuse Unversity's iSchool. Jill began honing her own communication skills when sending a message from "here to there" was more difficult and time-consuming than today. As technology changed, she worked on adapting to our changing communication practices. Through it all, she has realized that what good communication is has remained true. She enjoys sharing those truths with others and helping people become better communicators.