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 NYLA Conference | ESLN Program: Resisting Achievement Culture

NYLA Conference | ESLN Program: Resisting Achievement Culture12:00PM-1:00PM November 5th, 2020



Hosted by: The Empire State Library Network

Meredith Farkas achieved more by age thirty than she'd expected in her whole career, yet she always felt she hadn't done enough and didn't deserve accolades. She didn't realize at the time that she was chasing something that would never come from career achievement: a feeling of enoughness. Meredith will share the new path she forged when she stepped off the achievement treadmill and embraced a slower, more mindful, and gratitude-focused approach to work and life. She will discuss reflective practice, how to stave off burnout, how to decide when to say "no," and how library workers at any level of an organization can move the culture toward one that values all different kinds of contributions.

Meredith Farkas is a faculty librarian at Portland Community College and Past-President of ACRL-Oregon. She writes the monthly column "In Practice" for American Libraries and the blog Information Wants to be Free. Meredith was honored in 2009 with the LITA/Library Hi Tech Award for Outstanding Communication in Library and Information Technology, and in 2014 with the ACRL Instruction Section Innovation Award.

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