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 Rediscover the power of your FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription (Academic Libraries)

Rediscover the power of your FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription (Academic Libraries)10:00AM-11:00AM May 7th, 2020



The FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription your library receives through the South Central Regional Library Council (SCRLC) enables your students, faculty and staff to search WorldCat through FirstSearch and WorldCat Discovery to find resources on nearly any topic in the collections of libraries in New York state and beyond. The subscription also gives your library visibility on, to people who begin their searches on search engines and non-library websites that include Google Books, Google Scholar, Wikipedia, and Goodreads.


During current pandemic-related library closures, searchers can use FirstSearch and WorldCat Discovery, searchers to find electronic and digital resources in addition to physical materials that will be accessible again following the pandemic.


Join us on May 7 to refresh your knowledge of WorldCat searching through FirstSearch and WorldCat Discovery and learn how your library's subscription gives you a view into the collections of thousands of libraries worldwide.


In this 60-minute webinar you will learn how your FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription:

  • Gives you a view into the collections of thousands of libraries worldwide
  • Allows precision searching for library staff and expert searchers in FirstSearch to quickly identify known items and resources
  • Delivers visibility on from search engines and popular websites such as Wikipedia, Google Scholar, Google Books, and Goodreads



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 (607) 273-9106

 Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00pm

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