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 Succession Planning Through Mentoring in the Library

Succession Planning Through Mentoring in the Library2:00PM-3:30PM April 30th, 2020


Succession planning is the recruitment, development, retention, and advancement of library personnel to fill staffing gaps and prepare future leaders. Succession planning is well represented in the library literature; however, the speakers' research integrates mentoring as a crucial component in succession planning. Through a survey of librarians and a review of the library, psychology, and business literature, the speakers have explored concepts in succession planning and mentoring, and concluded that libraries will benefit from including mentoring with succession planning because this combination cultivates knowledgeable and confident employees.  


This ninety-minute webinar introduces participants to the approach of succession planning through mentoring. The speakers will briefly discuss their survey of librarians and spend most of the time presenting best practices and tips uncovered in their researched and from their own experiences.  


There will be time allotted for questions, but participants can submit specific questions or concerns about succession planning and mentoring on issues such as solo librarianship, ensuring diversity, or emergency succession planning so the speakers can address them in greater detail and provide related resources. Please enter your question here by Thursday, April 23rd.


Learning Outcomes: 

  • Identify who is ultimately responsible for succession planning 

  • Recognize the positive impact mentoring has on succession planning 

  • Discover what obstacles might be involved with succession planning and mentoring and plan ways to overcome them 

  • Determine how succession planning through mentoring can be applied to other areas besides management 


Julie Leuzinger (pronouns: she, her, hers) is Head of the Library Learning Services Department at the University of North Texas and has over twenty years of management experience, both in libraries and previously co-owning and managing a martial arts school. Her research interests include succession planning and mentoring, library management, meeting science, and trans-inclusive libraries.  


Jennifer Rowe (pronouns: she, her, hers) is a Social Sciences Librarian at the University of North Texas. Her research interests include succession planning and mentoring, library instruction and student success, trans-inclusive libraries, and accessibility in the library. Rowe has a forthcoming publication with Leuzinger, and others in College and Research Libraries entitled, "The Impact of Library Instruction on Student Success: A Four-Year Study." 

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