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 Wellness Webinar- What You Need to Know About Eating Disorders: Myths, Misconceptions & Resources

Wellness Webinar- What You Need to Know About Eating Disorders: Myths, Misconceptions & Resources June 9th, 2015


Date & Time:Tuesday, June 9th 2015 2:00-3:00pm EDT
Location:Online via GoToWebinar
Tech Support:You will need –
• An Internet-connected computer
• Computer speakers, headset, or phone for sound
• Computer projector if a group is 'attending'
Target Audience:For staff and health professionals in schools and public libraries who need consumer health information for teaching or loved ones. Also suitable for health science and academic librarians with a more scholarly focus. 

Do you know what an eating disorder really is, and that eating disorders are the deadliest of all mental illnesses? Perhaps you or someone you know struggles with diet, body image and or exercise – but you don't know what to say or what actions to take. 

Sadly, eating disorders are more common than one may think, with several falling into a "grey zone" of subthreshold eating disorders. Even more confusing is that one can't tell by looks alone if someone suffers from disordered eating. This presentation will give an overview of eating disorders and dispel harmful myths and misconceptions around eating disorders which add to the stigma of this mental health issue. Lastly, the presentation will cover a plethora of resources on both the national and local level, including books, websites and scholarly resources that will help your or your loved one get on a path to full recovery.

Jill Wilson is an Outreach Coordinator and Reference Specialist at the Engineering, Math and Physical Sciences Libraries at Cornell University. An eating disorder survivor herself, Jill has turned her personal recovery into activism, combining her love of curating information into promoting a normalized culture around food, body image and exercise. She can be reached at

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