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 Using Data for Peer Benchmarking and Best Practices

Using Data for Peer Benchmarking and Best Practices May 26th, 2015



Practical Library Assessment

A Webinar Series from the NY3Rs Association, Inc.


Using Data for Peer Benchmarking and Best Practices

Bob Dugan (University of West Florida)

Date:May 26, 2015, 10:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. EDT
Location:Online – Your desk or conference room.
Registration:Registration Closed.
Tech Support: You will need –
• An Internet-connected computer
• Computer speakers, headset, or phone for sound; microphone or keyboard for 'chatting'
• Computer projector is a group is 'attending'
Target Audience:Librarians and others responsible for assessment.
Sponsored by:NY 3Rs Association, Inc.

While trend analysis is used by most libraries to compare inputs and outputs internally, accrediting organizations may ask institutions for peer benchmarking information as part of a program's or institutional self-study. Additionally, libraries may want to identify other libraries that are successfully conducting a service they want to offer or improve, oftentimes referred to as a best practices study. An example would be providing longer public service hours with existing staff. Dugan will demonstrate the use of ACRLMetrics for benchmarking and best practices studies.

Bob DuganBob Dugan is Dean of Libraries at the University of West Florida (UWF) in Pensacola, and has a 40 year career in public, state and academic libraries. He has co-authored a couple of books on evaluation and assessment, and the management and application of data for decision making and continuous improvement. Institutional research (IR) and effectiveness (IE) activities and personnel are currently aligned with the administration of libraries at UWF. Dugan is chair of the ACRL Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey Editorial Board which works closely with ACRLMetrics.


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