Preventing Workplace Burnout: Self-care strategies10:00AM-11:00AM January 24th, 2019
Registration is closed. This webinar will be archived on our YouTube page.
Location: Online via Zoom
Audience: Anyone working in libraries or cultural organization interested in strategies to prevent workplace burnout, but particularly for those working with the public.
Description: Libraries are stressful. With patron demands, limited time, programs, tech and more, it can be overwhelming. This webinar will discuss burnout and compassion fatigue, their effects, and practical solutions for individuals and organizations on managing stress and preventing burnout.
Presenter: Carrie Rogers-Whitehead spent nearly a decade in busy urban libraries in outreach and programming. She remembers going days without any time away from patrons and programs and had to develop her own self-care strategies. Carrie has years of experience working with special populations such as the homeless, individuals with disabilities and managing over 100 teens who came into her branch most days. She was recognized for her work with these populations by being chosen as the Utah Librarian of the Year in 2013 and a Special Service award with the Red Cross. After leaving libraries in 2016, Carrie started two businesses but still guides librarians as a consultant and author of Teen Fandom and Geek Programming: A Practical Guide for Librarians. Carrie now works on digital self-care and teaches mindfulness through student and corporate workshops. Her company's research and curriculum will be coming out in Digital Citizenship: Teaching and Strategies from the Field with Rowman Littlefield later in 2019.