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 SCRLC's Annual Meeting

SCRLC's Annual Meeting October 24th, 2018


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Location: The Treman Center in Newfield, NY.


Continental Breakfast starting at 9:30

Membership Business Meeting 10:00-10:30 (Slate of trustees coming soon)

Call to Order - Jill Dixon, President
Roll Call - Nicole Waskie-Laura, Secretary
Approval of 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes - Jill Dixon
President's Report - Jill Dixon
Financial Report - Sarah Glogowski, Treasurer
Executive Director's Report - Mary-Carol Lindbloom
Board of Trustees Election - Jill Dixon
Bylaws Language Update Approval -
Adjournment of Business Meeting


Open Space Technology Exploration 10:30-2:30

This year's annual meeting features an exciting experience with Open Space Technology, led by Dr. Carol G. Henderson. The open structure of OST allows individual creativity to flourish, and group ideas to develop, in ways that enhance the future energy and effectiveness of groups and organizations. In this session, you will see how OST operates, and will learn how to use this powerful technique for the benefit of your workplace and your community. We will use the OST approach to explore questions at the heart of our work together as librarians and as members of SCRLC: How can we achieve greater cohesion and mutual benefit among librarians and library workers in this region? How can we create and support new and stronger collaborations between libraries and other potential partners? How can SCRLC further support us in achieving our hopes and dreams for the future of library services and organizations?

Buffet lunch will be served at 12:30.

Wrap-up 2:30-3:00

Dr. Carol G. Henderson currently serves as Library Director at Wells College. Her past positions include Instructional Dean at Central Oregon College and Associate Provost at Ithaca College, in addition to serving as a librarian and faculty member for many years at both Central Oregon and Keene State College. Carol has considerable expertise as a facilitator, and has led many creative planning sessions for non-profit boards, community groups, and organizations both large and small. She is an enthusiastic supporter and practitioner of Open Space Technology (OST) as a way to bring together the openness of creative thought with the practical realities of implementation.


Contact Us

 Email  1300 Dryden Road, Ithaca, NY 14850

 (607) 273-9106

 Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00pm

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