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 Why Assessment? An Introduction and How to be Successful

Why Assessment? An Introduction and How to be Successful12:00PM-1:15PM April 30th, 2015



Practical Library Assessment

A Webinar Series from the NY3Rs Association, Inc.

Why Assessment? An Introduction and How to be Successful

Denise Davis (Sacramento Public Library)

Date:April 30, 2015, 12:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. EST
Location:Online – Your desk or conference room.
Registration:Registration Closed.
Tech Support:You will need –
• An Internet-connected computer
• Computer speakers, headset, or phone for sound; microphone or keyboard for 'chatting'
• Computer projector is a group is 'attending'
Target Audience:Librarians and others responsible for assessment.
Sponsored by:NY 3Rs Association, Inc.
Webinar Goals:In conjunction with the overall goals of the webinar series (provided below), this session will:

  1. Define assessment for the purposes of this webinar.
  2. Describe basic assessment activities that any library--large or small, urban or rural--can implement.
  3. Align assessment with existing outputs reported annually in state survey, with additional "performance feedback" from patrons to establish a 360 degree perspective on a specific service identified to assessment (e.g., programming).
  4. Describe tools available to begin basic assessment - current service output data (program #, attendance, etc. from NYS PL survey) and the PLA performance measures surveys as an example of easy surveys to administer with patrons that align with existing service measures being reported annually.
  5. Discuss national initiatives that are supporting libraries in capturing service assessment data – Edge Initiative, Digital inclusion, PLA Project Outcome, US Impact Survey, Turn the Page (PLA advocacy initiative).

Denise Davis is the Deputy Library Director of Sacramento Public Library, with responsibilities for Collection Services, Facilities, Finance, Information Technology, Communications and the Virtual Branch. Denise has contributed to the library profession with more than 30 years of experience in academic, public and state library agencies, as well as directing research at the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science and the American Library Association's Office for Research and Statistics.

She chairs the Public Library Association (PLA) Performance Measures project ( and is active with public access computing research supported by the American Library Association (ALA), and National Information Standards Organization (NISO). Denise also has contributed to the profession through consulting with such organizations as Florida State University, Dominican University Graduate School of Library and Information Science, and for efforts like the LJ Patron Profiles series (, and ICF International for the assessment of the Institute of Museum and Library Services Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian grant program.

The Library Assessment in Action Series
Does the phrase "library assessment" send you into a slight (or not so slight) panic? You know that it is crucial in determining how well your library or library system is meeting its mission, goals, and objectives-and in designing effective programs and services.

A library's "return on investment" can influence a library's funding. Academic and school libraries need to know that their investment in programs and services are making a positive difference in student outcomes and meeting researchers' needs. Recent research links hospital and health sciences libraries to improved patient care.

Library assessment is not new and most libraries are going to have existing data available to help them. How do you use this data in your decision-making? What data already exists in your library that you can draw from? How do you present this data in a meaningful way to your stakeholders?

This series of library assessment webinars will feature leading experts on library assessment. It will include general information and "the nuts and bolts of assessment" including survey design, focus groups, data-driven decision making, data visualization, and communicating outcomes. The webinars will run from one to 1.5 hours in length. There will be a "digging deeper" component enabling participants to continue the discussion and learn from each other.

The learning outcomes for the webinar series include:
• Obtain an overview of current library assessment practices in different types of libraries.
• Acquire practical experience in the development of assessment activities and materials though the webinar and the "digging deeper" component.
• Develop an assessment skill set.
• Identify opportunities for collaboration and continuing professional development.

About the Assessment Initiative

The Information Infrastructure for New York State, an initiative sponsored and coordinated by the NY 3Rs Association, Inc. has included opportunities for input and participation by leaders in the library and archive environments in the State. A two-day Summit in the Fall of 2012, followed by a statewide survey, and concluding with a "Reality Check" meeting of several leaders in the Spring of 2013 resulted in a final report: I2NY: Envisioning an Information Structure for New York State (May 2013). The report is available at

Outcomes & Assessment Priority. A priority articulated in the Summit, survey, and "Reality Check" meeting was "outcomes and assessment," i.e., how well library services are connected to patron needs and student outcomes. This was seen as important at every level of school and academic library, as well as in the public library for lifelong learners and researchers. This also ties into demonstrating the value of the library and return on investment (ROI).

NEXT IN THE SERIES: MAY 15,10 a.m. Zsuzsa Koltay, Director of Assessment and Communication at Cornell University: Communicating the Library's Value. Registration is opening soon. Watch for additional programs that will be offered from May to September.


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