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 Advocacy Every Day: Advocating for Your Library 365

Advocacy Every Day: Advocating for Your Library 36512:00PM-1:00PM March 24th, 2015


March 24th, 2015
12:00pm - 1:00pm

Fee: Free!

Description: A lunchtime webinar with Jeremy Johannesen, Executive Director of the New York Library Association.

Location: Online via GoToMeeting
• Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
• You can also dial in using your phone: +1 (872) 240-3312
• Access Code: 687-203-469

Audience: For all library stakeholders- directors, staff, trustees, Friends Groups, volunteers, and patrons

Support: To view at your location you will need:
• A computer connected to the internet
• Computer speakers or phone for audio (a microphone or headset is recommended, but not required. You may also contribute to conversations through text chat).

Presented by NY3Rs

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 Email  1300 Dryden Road, Ithaca, NY 14850

 (607) 273-9106

 Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:30 am - 4:00pm

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