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 Annual Meeting - 50th Meeting of the Membership

Annual Meeting - 50th Meeting of the Membership October 21st, 2016

Ch-Ch-Changes: "Turn and Face the Change"


Friday, October 21, 9:30am - 2:30pm

LaTourelle Resort & Spa, Ithaca, NY





9:30-9:40 Welcome/Overview


From Abject Neglect to "Produced Users": How Technology has Dealt with Users

In this talk Dr. Trevor Pinch will take a big sweep at the issue of how users have figured in technological development. Whilst the role of ordinary people as a source of innovation was recognized at the time of Adam Smith most manufacturers have chosen to ignore users. The growing attention played to users in the history and sociology of technology has been matched by manufacturers themselves becoming aware of their importance. Today we can use the term "produced users" to signify that production and consumption are increasingly intertwined with companies playing close attention to who their users are how they might shape the types of goods and services offered.

Dr. Trevor Pinch is Goldwin Smith Professor of Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University. He is the co-editor of How Users Matter (MIT Press 2003) and has an afterword in the recent edited collection The New Production of Users Routledge 2016). He is best known for his book on the history of electronic music synthesizers, Analog Days (Harvard University Press, 2002)



Digital Visitors and Residents: Do You Ever Wonder about the Role Technology Plays in your Life? Ongoing research at OCLC has been exploring what motivates individuals to use particular technologies or spaces when engaging with the information environment. This session will review the findings of the study and introduce the Digital Visitors and Residents App that illustrates the role that technology plays in people's lives by mapping out where the use of various online services and applications fall on the Visitors and Residents spectrum.

Rob Favini, OCLC Member Liaison within the Membership and Research Division. Prior to joining OCLC Rob held positions in public, academic and special libraries working as a reference librarian, education coordinator, library administrator, research analyst, and project manager. Rob holds an MLIS from Kent State University, an MBA from Bentley University.



10:40-11:00  Library Systems at 50 and Counting

Bernie Margolis discusses what the future hold for systems.

Bernard A. Margolis began serving as New York State Librarian and Assistant Commissioner for Libraries in January 2009. Reporting to the Deputy Commissioner for Cultural Education, Mr. Margolis administers the New York State Library, including the Research Library, the Division of Library Development and the Talking Book and Braille Library. In partnership with the state's 73 library systems, the State Library delivers library services to 19.4 million people served by New York's 7,000 academic, public, school and special libraries.


11:00-11:10 Break

11:10-12:15 Panel Discussion: 21st Century Library Opportunities and Challenges: The Changing Ways of Engaging and Assisting Users

Research Libraries - Mary Ann Mavrinac

Mary Ann Mavrinac has served as the vice provost and Andrew H. and Janet Dayton Neilly Dean of River Campus Libraries at University of Rochester since June 2012. From 2001 to 2012, Dr. Mavrinac was the chief librarian at the University of Toronto Mississauga, where with many people and many teams, she led from vision to occupancy a new, award-winning academic library-the Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre-which opened in 2006. Her interests and research focus on library as place, leadership, and mentoring-topics about which she is frequently invited to speak"

She recently led the development of a 10-year facilities and master plan for the Rush Rhees Library aimed at transforming this iconic space for 21st century learning and scholarship. Mavrinac was the 2010 president of the Ontario Library Association (OLA). In 2014, she was honored with the Ontario College and University Library Association's Lifetime Achievement Award. She is currently on the board for the Association of Research Libraries. Mavrinac holds a B.A. and B.Ed. from the University of Toronto, an MLS from Western University, and an Ed.D. in educational leadership for change from Fielding Graduate University.

Hospitals - Jean Jenkins

Jean is an accidental medical librarian. She began working part time in the Lourdes Hospital Archives in 2005, then became the librarian/continuing medical education coordinator when Sue Bretscher was promoted in 2012. Mentoring from Sue and two graduate library courses facilitated this transition. She has been an active member of the HLSP and Advisory Committee. She holds MD and PhD degrees from the University of Chicago.


Museums - James Galbraith

James Galbraith joined the Museum in 2013. He oversees all aspects of the Rakow Library, including the archives, digital and print collections, public services, digital initiatives, library acquisitions, exhibitions, and the Museum's office of rights and reproductions. Galbraith's background is in library management. He has held collection development positions in academic libraries since 1999, including the University of California–Irvine, Wake Forest University and Columbia University. His professional affiliations include the American Library Association and the Association of College and Research Libraries. Galbraith holds a master's of library science degree from University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. He received a master's degree in history from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a bachelor's degree from State University of New York at Buffalo. Galbraith came to the Museum from DePaul University in Chicago, IL, where he served as the associate director for collections and scholarly resources.

Public Libraries - Susan Currie

Named the fifth director of the Tompkins County Public Library in 2009, Susan Currie brought with her twenty-four years of experience at Cornell University Library, beginning in the Circulation Department at Uris Library to her last position as Director of Resources and Planning for the Division of Instruction, Research and Information Services. In 2005, she was named Associate Director of University Libraries for Binghamton University, serving in that capacity until her appointment at TCPL. Currie earned her M.L.S from The University at Buffalo and has a B.A. in English. Currie has extensive experience in organizational development and culture, positive change, the design and implementation of innovative, high quality user-centered services, collaborative leadership, strategic and personnel management.

Locally, Currie serves as a member of the Board of Directors for Tompkins Learning Partners, the Tompkins County Bicentennial Commission and the Discovery Trail. She is involved in local, state and national library organizations including the American Library Association Divisions of the Public Library Association, Library Leadership and Management and the Library Information and Technology Association. She has served as an elected New York representative to OCLC's Global Council, a member of the New York Online Virtual Electronic Library Steering Committee, participated in the New York Library Association Sustainability Initiative and was elected a member of the Board of the Public Library Section of the New York Library Association.

Schools - Susan LeBlanc

Prior to her current position, Ms. LeBlanc was the Library Media Specialist for grades 7-12 at Otselic Valley Central Schools in South Otselic, NY. She also served as a graduate assistant at the Center for Digital Literacy at Syracuse University, and a volunteer literacy coordinator, where she developed, implemented, and ran a literacy outreach program that connected registered therapy dogs with young readers. Ms. LeBlanc holds an MLIS with a School Media Specialization from Syracuse University, and a NY State School Building Leader Certification. Her BS is in Liberal Arts from Excelsior College in Albany.

Comments & Questions

12:15-1:15 Lunch (and discussion questions)

1:15-1:30 Insights to share

1:30-2:15 Business Meeting

2:15-2:30 Awards & Wrap-up


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 (607) 273-9106

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