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 Grab a Mic! Podcasts that matter and how to make one

Grab a Mic! Podcasts that matter and how to make one January 21st, 2016


Registration Closed

Thursday, January 21st, 10:00 - 11:00am ET

This webinar is relevant for staff in all library types. However, the speakers come from public libraries and will be highlighting podcast applications for a public library setting.

You will need an internet-connected computer & computer speakers / headset / phone for audio.

Description: Join us as we talk about Podcasts – what they are, why we listen to them, and how your library can make thoughtful, engaging audio that keeps your community coming back. Listeners will leave with new listening recommendations, library specific casts to catch, and step by step instructions for recording and distributing your homegrown podcasts for free as well as an overview of the least expensive hosted options.

 Margo Gustina is the Member Services Consultant of the Southern Tier Library System. She likes being considered a librarian's librarian. Her current projects include coordinating research for the NYLA Sustainability Initiative, expanding the Rural Libraries RoundTable, supporting libraries in improving digital literacy services, and being a one woman A/V Club for library advocacy.



 Eli Guinnee is the Executive Director of the Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System. He has worked at Colorado State University's Morgan Library and the National Library of Scotland, and has been Director of the Buffalo Science Museum Research Library and the Patterson Library in Westfield. He's listening to Serial (of course), and loves talking about the best in audio.

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