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 Benefits of SCRLC's FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery Subscription

Benefits of SCRLC's FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery Subscription1:00PM-2:00PM February 19th, 2025

How do your users reach your library when they begin their information searches on the web? Libraries battle for mindshare in the midst of the many online information sources available to today’s information seekers.

Your SCRLC FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription offers several ways for people to connect with resources in your library, other SCRLC libraries, and thousands of libraries across the country and around the world. It also gives your library participation in OCLC’s web visibility program, designed to help people reach libraries from search engines and popular websites where they usually begin their research.

Join us on February 19 for an update on how the SCRLC FirstSearch/WorldCat Discovery subscription can help your users find and get resources in your library and beyond. The program will include live demonstrations of direct links to libraries from Google Search results and user paths to libraries from popular websites like Google Scholar and Wikipedia. You’ll also see examples of searching WorldCat on FirstSearch and WorldCat Discovery.

Speakers & Agenda:

  • Welcome: Claire Lovell, Digital Services Librarian, South Central Regional Library Council
  • Overview of FirstSearch, WorldCat Discovery and web visibility program: Karri Sites, Library Services Consultant, OCLC
  • FirstSearch Demonstration: Sara Parker, Product Marketing Manager, OCLC
  • Q&A & Close: Karri Sites


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